Entering/editing the description/tag of a contact or a coil

How to enter or edit a description or a tag for an existing contact or coil:

  1. Position the mouse pointer onto the contact or coil for which you want to enter or edit the description or the tag.
    If there is no description yet, an input field with the text [Description] becomes visible. If there is no tag yet, an input field with the text [Tag] becomes visible. 

  2. Double-click the field with the description or with the tag.

  3. Enter a new text for the description or the tag. Or delete the existing text, if you do not need any description or tag.
    The following character is not supported for a description or a tag: ' 

  4. Press the Enter-key so that the new text is accepted. Press the ESC-key, if you want to discard the new text.